La Bassa Musica – music of the middle ages

Sackpfeifertage auf der Comburg
Schwäbisch Hall, Comburg

Workshop Medieval  Music for Ensemble

A course for “bassa/ soft” instruments:
harp, hümmelchen, portativ organ, hurdy-gurdy, flute, vielle, lute, percussion, singing instrument players are also welcome!

We will play music such as songs, cansos, dances, motets – for 1 to 4 players. The fascination for the prima vista improvisation of medieval musicians will be an inspiration for our research. As well as the development of music for 2-4 parts, the notation of the music and the system of tonal and rhythmic modes.

All players are welcome who know how to play their instruments, have experience in ensemble playing, are willing to play by heart and to improvise.
